Your Specialty Onion Source

Gourmet Specialty Imports, Your Specialty Onion Source, Grande Gourmet, Fresh Cippolini Onions
Gourmet Specialty Imports, Your Specialty Onion Source, Grande Gourmet, Fresh Cippolini Onions
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8 oz. Retail Pack
10 lb. Chef Pack

Fresh Cippolini Onions (pronounced chip-oh-LEE-nee, and sometimes spelled cipoline, cipolini, cipollini or cippollini) are a versatile variety of Italian onion that is smaller, flat and pale in color. The name literally means “little onion”. They are sweeter than regular white or yellow onions, but not as sweet as shallots. When selecting cippolinis, they should be pale in color with a papery outer skin. Look for ones that are dry, plump and firm, and discard any showing signs of decay, wrinkling or sprouting.


  • Store in a cool, dry, dark place with good ventilation
  • Keeps several weeks when properly stored
  • Blanche in boiling water or trim rooted end to remove outer skin
  • Wash thoroughly and cook before consuming


Fresh Cippolini Onions are sweet, delicious and versatile. Their small, flat shape lends itself to roasting and helps to bring out their incredible natural sweetness. Cippolinis will melt in your mouth when roasted whole in the oven or cooked in butter on the stove top. They are a lovely addition to recipes whenever you want to use whole caramelized onions, and these “little onions” are arguably the king of caramelized onions.