Your Specialty Onion Source

Gourmet Specialty Imports, Your Specialty Onion Source, Grande Gourmet, Fresh Shallots
Gourmet Specialty Imports, Your Specialty Onion Source, Grande Gourmet, Fresh Shallots
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3 oz. Retail Pack
5, 10 & 40 lb. Chef Packs

Fresh Shallots are sweet and mild in flavor, and terrific for preparing sauces. They are oblong in shape with two or three sections per bulb. When selecting shallots, they should be reddish/golden in color with a papery outer skin. Look for ones that are dry, plump and firm, and discard any showing signs of decay, wrinkling or sprouting.


  • Store in a cool, dry, dark place with good ventilation
  • Keeps several weeks when properly stored
  • Remove outer skin, and then slice or chop
  • Wash thoroughly and cook before consuming


Fresh Shallots are sweet and mild, delicious and versatile. They may be eaten raw or cooked, and used in a variety of ways without overpowering other recipe ingredients they way regular onions and garlic can. Shallots work well in sauces, dressings, marinades, dips, salads, soups and offer endless possibilities as a substitute for regular onions.